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IV IdISBa Meeting

November 2017 (Palma)


We received a prize for best poster


Dr. Eduard Batlles (IRB, ICREA) gave a seminar entitled: "Connecting the intestinal stem cells to colon cancer" at the Hospital Universitari Son Espases

March 9th 2017, Palma

IdISBa organizes the first exposition to approach science to citizens

Feb-March 2017 (Palma)

Click on the poster!

Dr. Barceló-Coblijn explaining to the local authorities the research currently develop by the group. (from right to left, Mrs. Patricia Gómez Consellera de Salut, Mr. Gabriel Barceló (Conseller de Innovació i Turisme), Mr. Pep Lluis Pons (General Director of Innovation) and Dr. Miquel Fiol (Scientific Director of IdISBa).

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